EEOEM Project
YWCA Belize, through the Expanding Economic Opportunities through Entrepreneurship and Market Development (YWCA EEOEM Project – funded in part by the European Union and the Government of Belize), are addressing identified needs of rural women and youth to reduce poverty and increase successful enterprise development. Our goal is to create economic opportunities for and improve the livelihoods of rural women and youth to become more productive, generate income and employment. There are 4 (four) main components of the project:
1. MSE’s And Market Assessments And Analyse
Identify successful business entities that produce and/or market products & services, foster necessary relationships for product marketing and/employment, and develop effective market strategies and action plans. Through business mentoring and technical support which will begin October 2012, participants receive assistance in improving their business portfolio and access to markets.

2. Training
Administer on-site skill-building training and outreach-oriented training in the selected district and rural areas. Beginning January 2013, at least 200 rural women and youth will receive training in Business/Product Development; Marketing; Accounting/Booking; Personal Development; Public Health; Computer; Sewing; Housekeeping, Cosmetology.
3. Enterprise Development

Create small and medium businesses within rural villages that can offer added employment, skills development, and cultural identity acceptance.

4. YWCA Infrastructure Development

Expand the existing YWCA Market Outlet in Belize City (completed December 2012) and construct a National Enterprise Development Centre in Belmopan (completed February 2013). These networks will allow for market access of the products/services developed, and therefore provide women with the opportunity to achieve sustainable livelihoods for themselves & their families. They will also facilitate the long-term delivery of the YWCA’s on-going skills training programmes.


The YWCA Belize had a booth at the Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry Expo2012 on September 15-16, 2012 that showcased some of the rural women and youth who are a part of this project and gave them an opportunity to market and sale their products and services. An added advantage for the women and youth who participated with the YWCA booth was that many of the major companies and their market representatives were at the Expo; in addition to thousand of Belizeans who had a first-hand look and feel of the various products produced by the rural women and youth. This was also an ideal opportunity to develop formal market linkages and/or relationships with marketers/outlets in our effort to create economic opportunities for rural women and youth.